新型コロナウイルス抗原検査・PCR検査 [陰性証明書を即日発行可]


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新型コロナウイルス抗原検査・PCR検査 [陰性証明書を即日発行可]



* 渡航前検査では渡航場所により必要な書類が異なります。必ずご自分で必要な書類をご確認ください。又パスポートを必ずお持ちください。

〇 抗原検査(定性、鼻咽頭ぬぐい液)


〇 PCR検査 (リアルタイム法、唾液又は鼻咽頭ぬぐい液)

正確なリアルタイム法 (RT-PCR) による機器(島津社製AutoAmp)を導入し最短90分で結果が出ます。陰性証明書の発行も可能です。検体採取30分前より歯磨きやうがい、飲食を行わないようにご注意ください。



検査日時    陰性証明書交付

平日、土曜午前  当日 18:00~

平日午後     翌日   16:30~




抗原検査+陰性証明書(日本語)  12,100円 

抗原検査+陰性証明書(英語)   17,600円 

PCR検査のみ                                     14,300円 

PCR検査+陰性証明書(日本語)  17,600円  

PCR検査+陰性証明書(英語)   19,800円 



 Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR or Antigen Test (Pre-Travel or Shortening the quarantine period)

We offer the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) real-time PCR or antigen Test for the purpose of travelling abroad (departure from Japan) . It is by appointment only. If you would like to take PCR or antigen test, please read the following information and contact us.


The person who has NO symptoms and want to take PCR or antigen test for Pre-travel to foreign countries (departure from Japan). 

How to reserve

Please call # 06-6422-0777 (Main) or make a reservation from website (https://hyodo-clinic.mdja.jp/ )

Mondays-Saturday (except Thursday) 9:00am-12:00pm

Exam days

Mondays- Saturday(except Thursday) ①9:00~10:00/②10:00~11:00/③ 16:30~17:30
What to Bring

Your own passport (We need to verify your identity)

Japanese health insurance (If you have)

Exam Cost

17,600 JPY (Tax included) 【antigen test+Certification of negative test result, English】

14,300 JPY (Tax included) 【real-time PCR Examination only】

17,600 JPY (Tax included)【real-time PCR Examination+Certification of negative test result, Japanese】

19,800 JPY (Tax included) 【real-time PCR Examination+Certification of negative test result, English】

※Please pay on the day for examination.

Days Required

If you take the exam in the morning, we can offer the certificate by the end of the day, otherwise next morning.

※This is only an estimate. Depending on the condition of the specimen collected, the test may take longer and may be delayed for up to half a day.

How to exam

Antigen test by nasal sample and Real-Time PCR test by Saliva or nasal sample.
※Please be sure to check with the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the embassy of the country you are traveling to in order to find out what items are required to be submitted by the authorities of the destination country (e.g., the contents of the examination, whether or not a prescribed form is required, etc.) and what the conditions are (e.g., length of time from diagnosis to application, expiration date of the certificate).
